- Ansel Adams


主办单位: FFA当代艺术中心
承办单位:  艺潮微艺会

地 点:FFA当代艺术中心
地 址:南京市江宁区龙眠大道668号龙庭水岸别墅区12-103

Fall For Arts 
Executive curator

12.15,2018 --12.30,2018
FFA Contemporary Art Center
No.103,Block12Villa,LongTingShuiAn,668LongMianDaDao,JiangNingDistrict,Nan jing.

【意识·自觉】是FFA ART SPACE2018策划的第一个年度展览,我们从人的意识和人的自觉出发,洞察那些人性的耀眼的来自艺术的光芒,张扬那些在艺术上追求差异化和独特性的艺术家,将个体和社会共关联。这个展览一共邀请了涵盖北京、上海、重庆、武汉、哈尔滨、西安、郑州、济南、南京等重要城市的20位中青年艺术家。展览采用艺术案例切片的方式,从侧面或者一个角度出发审视我们当下的艺术,多元的而保持独立性的艺术特质。


"Consciousness·Conscious" is the first annual exhibition curated by FFA ART SPACE in 2018.Starting from people's consciousness and people's self-conscious, we insight into the dazzling light of human nature from the art and promote those artists who pursue differentiation and uniqueness in art.They will connect individual to society.A total of 20 young and middle-aged artists from major cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Wuhan, Harbin, Xi ' An, Zhengzhou, Jinan and Nanjing were invited to this exhibition. The exhibition presents art case letting us to examine our current art with diverse and independent artistic traits from the side or from a perspective.

We all know that we are in a period of great change, and the predicament of art is unprecedented.Ecological changes is intertwined with the fate of individual artists. Galleries as an institution in such environment, we try to avoid the limitations of commercial organizations and we want to see exhibition as an academic research or sociological study. That is why every artist in this exhibition has a different face, different materials, different ages.The exhibition is doomed to be multi-faceted, but also it provides enough space for audience to think.


Beijing is art center in China, where many artists gather there. Increasingly,the primary market and gallery development are all being tested.Also, the artist's ecological environment is also facing huge challenge. We have been working with artists in Beijing to establish a long-term and close cooperation.Paying attention to the artists’state is what we have to do. Dong Yaping is the first case of artist introduced by our gallery in 2013.Her work which is inspired by Zen thought creates its own distinctive abstract via disordered lines.And artist Tan Qin is an old friend of the gallery. She held the first solo exhibition this year. Her work with individual spiritual experience have enough ability to conquer audiences.Another female artist Yuan Yuan who has been widely concerned has entered the art field in recent years .She built a unique and rich emotional world in magical language. Mao Jia, young artist who graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts has built up dimensio.


Shanghai is an international metropolis with special status.The city has a relatively healthy art ecology and artists are relatively independent. The Yuz Museum and Dragon Art Museum, Long Museum and Shanghai Minsheng Art Museum were very important artistic positions in China. With the entry of international galleries ,fresh vitality and air is brought to Shanghai such as the West Bund Art Fair,ART021, PHOTOFAIRS Shanghai and Shanghai Biennale.These exhibitions mentioned above are highly concerned all around the world. In "Consciousness and conscious" of the annual exhibition, we invited 5 artists including the image artist Sanshui.“The Bund” and the”Huangpu River”series are his representative works which are based on oriental aesthetics under the concept of post-product. Installation artist Chen Qingyong made use of bricks as medium to present  people in modern society. It can not be ignored that two young artists borned after 1980s.One is artist Feng Wei. “Still Life” series look so elegant and full of oriental consciousness. Another artist is Wang Qin. "scene" is full of mysterious oriental culture. Times have changed dramatically, more and more young artists is entering into our horizons, especially the graffiti painting artist Chen Junjiang who was borned in 1994.His work is powerful and full of individual spirit. This kind of virtual confrontation is an important characteristic of his works.


Sichuan Fine Arts Institute is located in Chongqing,China,which is a crucial part of the proceeding of modern Chinese art.In recent years, we have felt the effect of young artists in the new art landscape.How to shape the influence like their predecessors has been a very difficult thing. Admittedly, the art power of the Sichuan province is still strong.For young artists, the establishment of self is more important than the glory of a group. Follow this direction, we chose the Young artist Li Xiaoqi to participate in this annual exhibition.He pays attention to the problems of human nature and the process of society in the modern narrative structure.This is the characteristic of Chinese artists in modern art, and it is valuable that he can take care of society from the conservative modern concept. What we need to say in particular is that because of our own shortcuts, our current perception of the youths in Sichuan is limited.



Contemporary art is unique in Hubei where so many artists live and work there such as Shang Yang, Zeng Fanzhi, Zhu Zhengeng and so on.They are all renowned at home and abroad. The power of the young generation is also distinctive.Perhaps we are relatively unfamiliar with Wuhan, but it is undeniable that the two artists invited this time have different characteristics. One is Yan Zhisheng who is currently studying PhD in Shanghai Academy of Art, but most of his artistic creation is completed in Hubei. “Gusty” series involved profound artistic accomplishment so that he built  modern discourse space to reflect society.Another young artist, Gao Deqiang, has done well in minimalist painting, After his solo exhibition this year,he became the new focus of the public attention. His works express realistic emotion and minimalist philosophical thinking through right angles and arcs.


We lack knowledge of Harbin and Xi 'an, Zhengzhou and Jinan, but we know so many excellent artists are in Guangxi province. how can we deny the strength of artists in other regions? The core of artists is their work which is cornerstone of influence. The same is true in the gallery.Especially Zhang Hao is from Harbin.His work "Politics of Translation" series are equivalent to a great encyclopedia of the social spirit in his translation. Li Yong who is from Xi 'An insist on against reality of artistic survival because his studio was demolished. Li Ming, an artist from Jinan, has established an oriental painting that uses new materials to intervene natural colors with abstract and figurative characteristics on traditional ink paper. Another to be sure is Li Shutian, a young artist from Zhengzhou, whose work is set up in the state of time solidification or flow.He is good at using comprehensive media and creating multi-dimensional painting space.


As a local gallery in Nanjing, it was pity that our contribution was not huge in the past six years, and most of people still focus on several places such as Shanghai, Beijing,etc. Although we had already established good interaction with many young artists in the past few years. Nanjing is hometown of ink painting.Fu Baoshi, Lin Sanzhi, Zhu Xinjian, Mao Yan, Xu Lie, Shen Qin, Ding Fang and other outstanding artists gathering in Nanjing are  renowned in the sea. Nanjing locates in Jiangnan ands its unique climate and geographical location create special artistic atmosphere. Of course, the comfort of life also appropriately reduces the vitality of young artists, but it is undeniable that AMNUA and Sifang Art Museum has some influence.This time we specifically invited the artist Yan Ying to attend the annual exhibition. "Platform" series dispels specific landscapes and people and focuses on giving us critical imagination space through invisible expression. Si Jing, another young artist with an east-west dimension, is also entering our sights for the first time, and her “Female Body” series is a personal state of care and refraction of women's inner psychology. and artist Jin Jing is a relatively familiar female artist in our gallery, she is active in the art world with abstract and figurative characteristics of the artist. Another artist, Wang Chengdong, "Jiangnan slices" is related to the reconstruction and criticism of Jiangnan humanities.


The annual exhibition "Consciousness and Conscious" has gone through a considerable period of time. Also,we took 31 days text processing .Although our preparation for this project is going on for long time, we must declare that such an exhibition still exist inevitably inappropriate or not representative. So we hold such a rigorous attitude and would like to listen your advises.Besides, it has to said that the works of the 20 artists do have their own artistic characteristics and most of them always explore the road to art , especially the performance of several young artists is surprised to us. During the process of this exhibition, we can not explain the ability of the extended consciousness via long phrases,but we focus on "conscious", since the Renaissance,more than 150 years of modern painting art has left abundant information for studying. And the most important is the consciousness of enlightenment and modern civilization that is common sense we  need to know. At present, we are willing to accept the criticism and guidance through this exhibition.Thank you for your suggestions and supports!

陈清勇 制造姿态5  绘画装置  26x35cm  2016

陈俊江  为了威武霸气—叉子和枪  100 x 80 cm 布面油画、丙烯  2018

董亚萍  线性系列  60x80cm  布面油画  2018

冯玮  静物2   24x30cm  布面油画  2016

高德强 位移  100x100cm 布面丙烯 2018

 金晶 LOVENOLOVE系列3 100X140CM 布面油画 Oil on Linen 2016

  李书天 溯50  38x22cmx3 综合材料 2017

李明 惊  60x65cm 纸本水墨  2017

李晓奇 密林白羊 110X130cm 布面油画 2016年

 李勇  小丑NO16  60X60cm 布面油画  2018

毛嘉《境之新开26》27cmx40cm  绢本设色 2018 

三水 黄浦江-东岸0815B 尺寸可变 艺术微喷 2016

司静  女人体7  100x115cm   布面丙烯综合材料  2018


王承东 江南·切片系列216 80x120cm  布面油画  2018

王钦 景No.2   27×34cm    纸本木炭   2018

严支胜  风中的青春    80×100cm   布面油画 2010 

袁媛,《假的真的》(Fake  really),丙烯布面,116x95cm,2016。

阎盈汐  站台20  34cm×102cm  绢本水墨 2015

张灏翻译的政治 No.100 纸上油画 80 x 55 cm 2011


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