- Ansel Adams


FFA ART CENTER从2018年以来第二次参加杭州艺博会,作为中国美院的主场地,这里聚集着丰厚而有内涵的艺术资源和相对健康的艺术生态,创新时尚富有活力,是吸引我们拥抱杭州艺博会的主因。我们与主办方的互信和合作,对于我们服务杭州和浙江藏家将起到桥梁的作用。


FFA ART CENTER participated in Hangzhou Art Fair for the second time since 2018. As the main venue of Chinese Academy of Fine Arts, it gathers rich and connotative artistic resources and relatively healthy artistic ecology. Innovative fashion and vitality are the main reasons that attract us to embrace Hangzhou Art Fair. Our mutual trust and cooperation with the organizers will serve as a bridge for us to serve Tibetans in Hangzhou and Zhejiang.

In this Hangzhou Art Fair, we have brought 44 works of thirteen artists. The booth A1-A6 is divided into two parts. A1 A6 is the regular project of the organization, "Three Young People Exhibition", and A2-A5 is the theme exhibition "Survey of the Modernity and Contemporary Spirit of Young Artists".


杭州艺博会                         Hangzhou Art Fair

展位:A01\a06                       Booth: A01\A06

布展:05.30                     Exhibit: 5.30

会期:05.31-06.02            Session: 05.31-06.02

机构:FFA艺术中心   Agency: FFA Art Center

地址:杭州国际博览中心1D馆 (杭州市萧山区钱江世纪城奔竞大道353号)

1D Pavilion of Hangzhou International Expo Cente(No. 353 Bengjin Avenue, Qianjiang Century City, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou)

电话:18061600015      Telephone: 18061600015

“青年者3人展”是FFA ART CENTER以胡宗祥、吕良军、赵中锋构成的探索性群展项目,也是继2018年之后第二次在杭州艺博会呈现。杭州是一个艺术多元包容并蓄的城市,他的国美传统给养了丰厚的艺术生态。此次我们以“青年者”融入杭州,意在组织探索,扎根杭州。这次展览的作品各具特点,其中胡宗祥以魔幻主义色彩具象呈现他的思考,吕良军以潮流治愈精神夺人耳目,赵中锋则以具有批判精神涂鸦调侃他自己的社会现实洞察。
从2017年以来,这三位艺术家在FFA ART CENTER以“试验·无国界”为名推出他们的阶段性作品,和“青年者3人展”艺博会项目相互对应,以小群展的方式也是艺博会的惯例。而集中呈现各具风格的具有精神指向的作品,是这一常设展览项目的特质。我们希冀通过多元而不同的语言探索,从而照见我们对于现实和人生以及对社会的精神关照。
"Three young people Exhibition" is an exploratory group exhibition project of FFA art center composed of Hu Zongxiang, LV Liangjun and Zhao Zhongfeng. It is also the second exhibition in Hangzhou art expo after 2018. Hangzhou is a city with diverse and inclusive arts. Its national beauty tradition provides rich art ecology. This time, we integrate "young people" into Hangzhou, aiming to organize exploration and take root in Hangzhou. The works of this exhibition have their own characteristics, among which Hu Zongxiang presents his thoughts with magical color, LV Liangjun takes people's eyes and ears with trend healing spirit, and Zhao Zhongfeng ridicules his own social reality insight with critical spirit graffiti.

Since 2017, these three artists have launched their stage works in FFA Art Center under the name of "experiment · without borders", which corresponds to the art fair project of "three young people Exhibition", and the way of small group exhibition is also the Convention of the art fair. It is the characteristic of this permanent exhibition project to present the works with spiritual orientation in different styles. We hope to explore through diverse and different languages, so as to see our spiritual care for reality, life and society.

胡宗祥,慢爬系列-慢慢爬,油彩 画布,116x90cm,2019。Hu Zongxiang, Slow Series- slowly , Oil Canvas,116x960cm, 2019.© FFA

吕良军, 雪1,木板丙烯,40x40cm ,2019。 Lv Liangjun,Snow 2, wood propylene, 40x40cm, 2019.© FFA

赵中锋,?丙烯 油彩 布面,65x50cm ,2019。 Zhao Zhongfeng,What are you saying?,acrylic Paint on canvas,65x50cm ,2019 。© FFA

FFA ART CENTER策划推出的”审视“以青年艺术家的现代性和当代精神探究为题,引发业内和专业受众的思考。兼顾艺博会的展览属性和展览自身的考量,是为专业藏家和入门收藏的一个性价比推荐。此次展览以十人构成一个具有学术性兼顾的群展项目,能够从侧面反观时下最为活跃的青年艺术家群体,做出一个剖面的思考。

FFA ART CENTER plans to launch the "Survey" to explore the modernity and contemporary spirit of young artists, which arouses the thinking of the industry and professional audiences. Considering both the exhibition attributes and the consideration of the exhibition itself, it is a cost-effective recommendation for professional collectors and entry collectors. This exhibition is a group exhibition project with academics and consideration. It can reflect on the most active group of young artists from the side and make a cross-sectional thinking.

丛伟 ,画室里的摄像机 ,60x80cm ,纸本绘画,2017。ong Wei, the camera in the studio, 60x80cm, paper painting, 2017.© FFA

陈清勇 ,制造姿态5 ,绘画装置,26x35cm,2016。Chen Qingyong, Making Posture 5, Painting Device, 26x35cm, 2016.© FFA

陈俊江  对抗!冲散他们的阵型  布面油画  丙烯  100x80cm 2018 ©FFA ChenJunjiang confront! Scattering their formation  Canvas Oil Painting Propylene 100x80cm 2018 ©FFA

高德强,位移,油画布面,100X100cm,2018  Gao Deqiang,displacement, canvas surface, 100X100cm, 2018.© FFA

亢世新,望春山,布面丙烯,120×90cm ,2019。Kang Shixin,At the Spring Hill, cloth acrylic, 120 x 90cm, 2019.© FFA

梁浩杰,混合5 ,布面丙烯 ,130×120cm,2019 。Liang Haojie, Mixed 5, Fabric acrylic, 130 x 120 cm, 2019.© FFA

刘永涛,野草图-190201,55×80cm,皮纸墨汁综合材料,2019 。LiuYongtao,Weeds map -190201,55×80cm ,Leather-paper Ink Composite Material,2019 © FFA

孙源 , 群体的寓言no5975x51cm ,水墨绢本, 2017 。Sun Yuan, Fable of the Group No 59, 75x51cm, Ink and silk manuscripts, 2017。© FFA

汪燎,稻谷与耳朵的秘密 ,120x90cm,布面丙烯,2017。 Wang Liao, The Secret of Rice and Ears, 120x90cm, Cloth Propylene, 2017.© FFA

郑元無,维纳斯的诞生 ,120x90cm,布面丙烯,2019。Zheng Yuanwu, the birth of Venus, 120x90cm, cloth acrylic, 2019.© FFA

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