- Ansel Adams




"绽放“是FFA ART CENTER参加第八届上海城市艺博会推出的以画廊代理和合作艺术家为主的展览项目,展览包括油画、丙烯、纸本水墨、绘画、综合材料等跨媒介的作品,一共推出丛伟、高德强、亢世新、郝建涛、胡宗祥、吕良军、刘永涛、孙源、赵中锋等九位青年艺术家,他们都是具有个体艺术语言特质的艺术家,在各自的艺术世界里,表达自我的个性绽放。

FFA ART CENTER推出的“绽放”艺术家主要来自北京、上海、南京、杭州、武汉等地,他们在现当代艺术语言里,以自己的观察切入世界,表达思想或者情感。绽放是一种姿态,是关于艺术和生活、艺术和个体、艺术和社会的个人探索,更多的是多元而不同的差异。
"Blooming" is an exhibition project launched by FFA Art Center in the 8th Shanghai Urban Art Expo, which is mainly composed of gallery agents and cooperative artists. The exhibition includes oil painting, propylene, paper based ink, painting, comprehensive materials and other cross media works. Nine young artists, including Congwei, Gao Deqiang, Kang Shixin, Hao Jiantao, Hu Zongxiang, LV Liangjun, Liu Yongtao, sun yuan, Zhao Zhongfeng, etc., have been launched Artists, who are all artists with the characteristics of individual artistic language, express their own individuality in their own artistic world.

FFA Art Center's "blooming" artists are mainly from Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Wuhan and other places. In the modern and contemporary art language, they cut into the world with their own observation to express their thoughts or emotions. Blooming is a gesture, a personal exploration about art and life, art and individual, art and society, more diversified and different differences.

丛伟 ,画室里的摄像机 ,60x80cm ,纸本绘画,2017。ong Wei, the camera in the studio, 60x80cm, paper painting, 2017.© FFA

高德强,一根正确的线,油画布面,30X30cm,2016  Gao Deqiang,A correct line, canvas surface, 30X30cm, 2016.© FFA

亢世新,半夏,布面丙烯,50×50cm ,2019。Kang Shixin,Pinellia ternata, cloth acrylic, 50 x 50cm, 2019.© FFA

郝建涛,混沄之往 No.16  ,直径50cm,布面、手工色粉、丙烯媒介,2013-2019 。Hao Jiantao, Mixed upNo.16, diameter50cm, Fabric surface、 hand color powder、 propylene medium,2013-2019. © FFA

胡宗祥,墟境系列NO.03,油彩 画布,60x60cm,2018。Hu Zongxiang, Ruins Series NO. 03, Oil Canvas, 60x60cm, 2018.© FFA

吕良军, 雪2,木板丙烯,40x40cm ,2019。 Lv Liangjun,Snow 2, wood propylene, 40x40cm, 2019.© FFA

刘永涛,野草图-190203,55×80cm,皮纸墨汁综合材料,2019 。LiuYongtao,Weeds map -190203,55×80cm ,Leather-paper Ink Composite Material,2019 © FFA

孙源 , 群体的寓言no5875x51cm ,水墨绢本, 2017 。Sun Yuan, Fable of the Group No 58, 75x51cm, Ink and silk manuscripts, 2017。© FFA

赵中锋,你在表达什么?丙烯布面,65x50cm ,2019。 Zhao Zhongfeng,What are you saying?,acrylic on canvas,65x50cm ,2019 © FFA


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