- Ansel Adams




致力于探索雕塑本体语言与材料观念性的更多可能。曾参与过的展览包括:临时现场(美成空间 深圳2018);并行世界—中德建交45周年当代艺术展(德国 2017 ;找朋友—艺术橱窗—忧伤的招财猫(今日美术馆 北京 2016);第一届深圳当代艺术双年展(深大美术馆 深圳 2015

LiBiao Peng (born in 1987), graduated in 2009 from Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts in sculpture, is now based in Shenzhen and committed to exploring the possibilities of sculptural ontology language and material conception. Exhibitions: Tempo Rary Scene, Shenzhen, 2018; World By WORLD, Gemany, 2017; Finding Frinds: Discover Young Artists, Today Art Window, Beijing, 2016; The Art Exhibition of the 35th Anniversary of Shenzhen Special Zones Establishment, Shenzhen, 2015.



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